Ocellated Turkey Hunts

Ocellated turkey hunts are some of the most amazing hunts that Mexico has to offer. The outfitter we partner with has been outfitting hunts in the state of Campeche, Mexico area for over 40 years. The hunting area covers 38,000 acres, with the camp located in a nearby small town.  Modern accommodations are clean and comfortable with electricity, private baths, air conditioning, beds, cooks, & waiters.

The hunt takes place in a farming area where soybeans, corn and grain sorghum are grown. This area has a very high turkey density and it is not uncommon for hunters to see flocks of 50-100 birds in the early season. Once the breeding season begins, smaller groups of 12-15 birds are more common with a couple of gobblers usually in each group. Ground blinds are used almost exclusively for hunting these beautiful birds.

In order to facilitate communication and hunt information for U.S.A. clients, we have partnered with Roberto in arranging Ocellated turkey hunts with this experienced, well organized outfitter.  Over the last 40 years they have had near a 99% success rate on their Ocellated Turkey hunts!

Spring 2026 ~ 5 day hunt ~ $4200 per person
Booking must be done by Nov. 1st!

All necessary license and CITES  permits are provided and included in the cost of the hunt. The season begins in mid-February and closes Mid-May. Space is limited to 7 hunters in camp, so guest fees are the same price as a hunter. However, if you take a guest, you will get two tags. These hunts book out fast, so call today!

Pricing Terms and Conditions:

All prices are subject to change. All hunts are sold on a first come first serve basis.

Deposit and Final Payment:

To secure reservations, hunters are responsible for a $2500 deposit at time of booking. If deposit is not received within two weeks, hunt dates will be forfeited.

Deposits and Final payments are Non-Refundable.  Hunt is NON-transferable.


We understand life happens and sometimes last-minute situations arise that can prevent clients from coming on a hunt. Unfortunately, our overhead doesn’t change. If hunter initiates a cancellation, hunter is still responsible for 100% of monies contracted for hunt. No cancellations, rollovers, or refunds given. For this reason, we highly recommend trip insurance.

Important: All imported turkeys must go to a USDA approved taxidermist. A list of taxidermist can be found at: https://vsapps.aphis.usda.gov/vsps/public/AESearch.do?method=unspecified

Ocellated Services


  • A variety of modern shotguns for the Ocellated turkey hunt including Beretta’s, Browning’s, Remington’s and Winchesters are available. It is not necessary or encouraged for hunters to bring guns or ammo.
  • Exclusive hunting rights on private property.
  • Lodging, meals, snacks, and beverages.
  • One guide for each hunter (1×1)
  • Trophy cleaning and preparation.
  • All in-field transportation.
  • All Mexican paperwork, fees, and licenses included.
  • Personal reception and round-trip transportation from the Merida airport.

Not Included:

  • Two nights at the Holiday Inn.
  • Customary tips to guides and staff and drivers. (approx. 10% of hunt)

Terms and Conditions:

  • Hunters may shoot one Ocellated turkey.
  • Arrive Saturday evening in Merida, Mexico. You will be met by a representative and taken to the Holiday Inn.  After overnight stay, you depart to lodge at 7:00 a.m. on Sunday morning.  Hunt Sunday afternoon and Monday – Friday am.
  • Depart for Merida and Holiday Inn at noon on Friday. Representative will pick you up Saturday morning at the Holiday Inn and transport you to the airport for flight back to USA.
  • Guest fees are same as hunt price, but hunter may take two birds.

Important Tips

  • Hunter’s should carefully go through all items being brought into Mexico to ensure that no ammunition is brought into the country!
  • Hunter’s are encouraged to route return flights though Houston regardless of destination in order to ensure a trouble-free process with your birds.
  • Passport booklets are required to enter Mexico.  Passport cards will not be accepted.